MongoDB Server Administration

- 3 mins

MongoDB Server Administration

The intention of this document is to share a brief overview of relevant concepts and internal knowledge necessary to administer and debug server side issues

Similar to the process for application code changes, server configurations and changes should also be reviewed by one or more core contributor.

mongod process

mongod is the primary daemon process for the MongoDB system. It handles data requests, manages data access, and performs background management operations.

Basic upstart operations:


Location of ubuntu upstart config file: /etc/mongod.conf

data : /data/db mongod logs: /log/mongod.log

Useful mongo shell commands to manage Replica Set

Connect to the primary of the replica set and on the mongo shell type

More commands


Replication helps provide redundancy, improve data availability Some important design decisions and tradeoffs:

For more information on replication please see the official documentation

Managing Roles

Official Link


Follow the documentation here to enable authentication in a replica set.

Converting a Standalone to a Replica Set

Follow instructions here

Cloud Manager

Cloud Manager is a service to manage, monitor, backup and configure alerts for a MongoDB deployment.

To use this service, ask a Project Owner to add you as a user.


See official documentation here


See official documentation here

Backup Agents

See official documentation here

Monitoring Agents

See official documentation here

MongoDB 3.4 features

Provisioning a box

Ideally, this would be an automated step that very few people should care about.

In case you end up doing this step manually, some things to remember are:

Nikhil Raju

Nikhil Raju

A Data Scientist who strongly believes good software engineering practices are essential to the success of any machine learning project

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